Thanks to You (I)

I know
I should not blame you AT ALL
for any reasons

The one who should be blamed is only me--
for inviting you to come to my life?
for letting you know (almost) everything IN me?
for having so much hopes, care and such very very very special feeling (that I'm afraid to say that it might be love)?
for being too true about myself?

and I think...the worst part is..
I should blame myself to let you feel happiness and (then) sadness, just let you stay in imagination only...
I know then
you deserve better hope and true love....
and you think--
It would never come from a girl like me....
You might be right...I don't know....I just go with the flow
so far ..... I haven't decided yet, what I should pick up

But again....
of course
you have the right
to choose your destiny
stay away from me or.....(I can't say that, but you must know it--and that what I expect, actually)

I know...
I won't be able to make you happy...
But...if by having a conversation, a simple chat, and maybe ...listening to my voice by a short call
you can have happiness (or just as a fake happiness?)
why don't you do it???? while waiting for and hoping for the best....your true love????

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