About "him"

Welcome life and education...to anyone who cares about them..to be inspired and to inspire..., yeah..inspiration for anyone...

This is about "him"
Here is A love letter from your "kid", for your birthday...

I met you some years agowhen I was very very young
didn't know what to do even didn't know who I was
what I knew was....I was just nobody, knew nothing
it seemed, I was lost in this very big big world,
met wrong people anytime- anywhere...

But then you came to me....not only greeted me
you hugged me and showed me
how beautiful I was,
how beautiful the world was....
yeah, everything was beautiful for me,
after you made me think that way...beautifully.

You taught me many things...about love,
about life,
about strenght,
about honesty,
about bravery,
about being a great person,
about having a character,
about arts........
but most of all....finally, I learned.....the truth--the real life (that it's not always beautiful, or just a fake beauty--a truth or a lie---only wise heart and thought can consider it)
and before we had to part.....even you still taught me
about betrayal and wisdom at the same time... joy and pain
they are the truth
that's life
we can't deny it

how enjoyable and painful
the life that you have shown me...
I have to thank to you
because of it

more and more mature
stronger and stronger(hopefully)
wiser and wiser...

I have to live NOW in this present time
but I'll never forget the past...I should not...cause the past...there, my life began...
my character was built....
my destiny was shown....
thank you teacher,"that pain" will not be able to make me hate you...but...
make me love and respect you,
more and more...
may God bless you
forgive all your sins....
cause I know,
deep in your heart
you always want to make people happy,
become somebody, thankful to their God, love their lives, and be useful for others....
the things that I believe...God loves...

peace, love, n respect

maria agatha

more about teachers' day,

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