When we get stuck..

Welcome life and education...to anyone who cares about them..to be inspired and to inspire..., yeah..inspiration for anyone...

Life and education are complicated.The ideas for them will never end although sometimes we have to face that "get stuck" situation:

When we get stuck...

When students are not motivated
When students have no desire to learn
When students do not want to change themselves to be better

When no people will understand that
When most people say that we have failed to educate...

We still have reasons to go on with this...
Yes...GURU, we still have at least A reason...
that God will never leave us..
never and never...
That is the end and the only reason why we should stay on "this track"
be a "guru" (not only as a teacher who teaches but does not educate, motivate, etc)

Yes, we need guru in our life, as well as we need guru for our education...

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